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life sucks and then you die...yeah, i should be so lucky.... ~Bella Swan, Twilight Sagawit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure! ~Rowena Ravenclaw, Harry Potter seriesi like singing, dancing, Gleeking out (LOL), sketching anime, reading (It's an addiction), writing poems and stories, and surfing the net :)i tend to get obsessed with anything im interested in...right now, It's Glee...who knows what's next?im pretty much a good friend to my friends...unless they screw me over, then it's never gonna be the same again... like all my best friends back in high school, i have a very intimidating personality...only the strong survive (that's basically how we lived back in our school, it's not gonna change anytime soon)...i dont make friends easily, but once i do (like, REAL friends, not backstabbing ones; but hey, you gotta have some of those right? sometimes, I do my fair share of backstabbing too...when they stab me in the back first -___-) im pretty much sticking with them through thick and thin, and i expect them to do the same for me (so far, it's true with my high school buddies; they never ****ing let me down >.< LOVE YA GUYS!) I'm also a pretty vindictive b*tch... in Glee counterparts, I'm part Rachel-part Santana... more Santana on the vindictive part... I don't know why... vengeance is fun sometimes >:-D (joke joke joke) (that's where my intimidating part ends, I think...unless my buds neglect to tell me something, since I usually don't keep track of these things)okay, what else...ah! I tend to keep silent most of the time when I'm not around people I'm comfortable with... sometimes even when I'm with people that I'm comfortable with, I dont really like speaking much...but again, it's only SOMETIMES... When I get mad, I sort of let it boil over inside me (it only takes a few hits, depending on the person really) until I blow up and just scream... -___- I try to keep it to a minimum..but that's pretty freakin' hard...besides, keeping it in is proven to cause cancer...I'm not about to die because of them.. >.< So far, that's it really...I notice it's basically filled with negative stuff...but hey, I'd rather place those and let you decide whether you can handle me, than place GOODY GOODY stuff and then regret you ever knew me because I'm not all I said I was... best you know ahead of time, right? >:-Dciao...
ParaƱaque, Philippines
M&M's U.S.A., Chocolate, Zodiac/signs, History, Greek gods and goddesses, Vampires, Manga, Anime Inc
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