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  1. Replies

    I will serve your mages anytime you want. However...

    I will serve your mages anytime you want. However I have a hold up as many are being banned. My items that total well above the threshold of others banned are scattered across many other toons. I pmd...

    Pls let mely the editor know again. I save errrthing lol.

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  3. Replies

    I don't care about your little amount of gold or...

    I don't care about your little amount of gold or who you run with. I'm a pvp player that runs for fun if the vanities or banner seems cool or for a week or two at end of season for timed runs. Take...
  4. Replies

    Don't be foolish. Nobody can grind to top five...

    Don't be foolish. Nobody can grind to top five for event LB. Chuck tons of gold or spend plat. Those are the only two options. Don't come in here with that grind crap. I'm on lb every season for...
  5. Replies

    mage pvp at 61

    I'm retired for now but mages should do less damage than rogues but more than tanks. They should have less survivability than tanks but more than rogues. An in between glue class if you will. Able to...
  6. Replies

    Can't log in without people spamming me to buy...

    Can't log in without people spamming me to buy names. There's gotta be a better way to do this. Roll it back guys.

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  7. Replies

    Increasing the range of ranged rogue skills

    No, rogue is glass already. They are NOT cannons. They need prob 200 damage more. To that Mage that's countering everything yes theoretically rogues do more damage than any other class if the stars...
  8. The saltiness is real. Rogues just need more...

    The saltiness is real. Rogues just need more damage. It's the only way. And they should be able to break jugg sometimes maybe not one rogue but two. They should be able to kill mages one combo...
  9. Very few mages have this insane damage you...

    Very few mages have this insane damage you talking about. The prob with nerfing the whole class like nerfing aimshot is not what happens in max clash but what happens to all the rest of the mages in...
  10. To be clear rogues should have been nerfed...

    To be clear rogues should have been nerfed though. At 41 cap they were terminators. One shotting mages through shield and shattering jugg with 40% damage redux from nekro. The reason mages beat tanks...
  11. Replies

    Class restriction in PvP

    It's just not true in max clashes. Before the global nerf people were still playing 2 tank 2 Mage and rogue or 2/3 tanks rest mages. Before the global nerf on damage rogues were useless almost in...
  12. Replies

    Hey Rogues, What's Missing???

    Rogues are fine in pve. Still the rulers. I also don't think rogue survivability is the issue in pvp. It's the lack of damage. You should have a think twice approach before rushing a rogue if not in...
  13. Replies

    Only thing I'm getting from this thread is that...

    Only thing I'm getting from this thread is that curse needs to be buffed. To that point, I agree.

    On a more serious note, I need to think about this some. Off the top of my head, I think that...
  14. Remember aimed shot one shotting mages through...

    Remember aimed shot one shotting mages through shield at 41? I've always said its not just the best skill of rogues, it's the best skill in game followed by juggernaut. Makes sense it was broken....
  15. Ain't no player nicer than maarkus in this game....

    Ain't no player nicer than maarkus in this game. Prob very few that put in more work too. If he talks, I listen. He ain't making things up.

    -darthpapa Iordvader smurfpower

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  16. Replies

    Slink isn't as bad as breeze. Not as bad as...

    Slink isn't as bad as breeze. Not as bad as korruption either. I don't think any slink player can be competitive really. Maybe against solo pvp adventurers but It's garbage pet really. Will be used...
  17. Replies

    They deserve it for a bit after their game...

    They deserve it for a bit after their game breaking weapon last time. Best course of action is to further nerf the 46 arcane sword and slightly buff the new one.

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  18. It's a new dawn. Dawn of the blue. Dawn of...

    It's a new dawn. Dawn of the blue. Dawn of smurfs. Resistance is futile. Join the dark army. Delete the rogue. Come to the dark side.

    #nerfrogue #nerfzeus #nerftwoxc

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  19. Replies

    Crate tokens from Elon crates

    Are they supposed to contain crate tokens? If not that's ok. I just noticed last night that they didn't drop any. Just looking for some clarification. Either way is ok I suppose.

    -Lord Vader...
  20. Replies

    Poor taste.

    Poor taste.
  21. Nah brah, we done with that. No more supporting...

    Nah brah, we done with that. No more supporting the privileged classes. We support if we choose. Kill you if you get too puffy.

    #benice #feartheblue #comeatmebrah

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  22. Or a kershal style small silly boost. Mages are...

    Or a kershal style small silly boost. Mages are due a truly offensive weapon. We gotten smashed on all arcanes each time. I imagine the two for each class could be one defensive and one offensive but...
  23. I wouldn't call it easy. Can spend hundreds of...

    I wouldn't call it easy. Can spend hundreds of dollars and not loot anything.

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  24. Replies

    PVP restored?

    They did nerf lava pools. I think it's fine. I've had 0 noticeable issue with the pools since the damage nerf. If you're getting lit up by those pools with your shield up you should prob strengthen...
  25. Replies

    Converted Eye Gem - Didn't Get Nobles

    I also felt bad for him as I was also standing there waiting to receive noble mind bc he owe me for wiping ticks record but nothing.

    In all seriousness I hope this gets worked out. Also in all...
Results 1 to 25 of 117
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