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  1. Replies

    I feel yetis and particularly Big yetis and the...

    I feel yetis and particularly Big yetis and the Boo Gee Boss are a lot harder than before. They can 2-shot me (Twice they were able to one-shot me) and this with full STR angelic gear and 3 elite...
  2. Thrasher runs only are ruining the playing experience?

    Hello folks,

    Here is something I came across which I want to elaborate about. The first day of Humania launch I was able to complete all quests there and unlock all maps. From Day 2 I wasn't able...
  3. I think that we should have Skill trees,...

    I think that we should have Skill trees, depending on the stats we invest into.
    For example if a mage choose a pure INT build should have selection of spells. If the same mage chooses to put some...
  4. Is the angel vanity set stashable?

    Is the angel vanity set stashable?
  5. PvP is trash. Just stick to PvE and you will...

    PvP is trash. Just stick to PvE and you will preserve your sanity and nerves.
  6. After waiting 9 hours for a quest to complete I...

    After waiting 9 hours for a quest to complete I could unlock the last part of the 4th campaign only to see a quest that take 1 day to complete.
    I am really at the bottom of my patience -_-
  7. Replies

    Go! You have my support :) Strangely enough no...

    Go! You have my support :)
    Strangely enough no intbear-hater have showned up yet.
    Be warned that people will bully you for beign an intbear. Happened to me sadly.
    Never give up though, we are pro...
  8. Here is taken from my previous suggestions: -...

    Here is taken from my previous suggestions:

    - More grinding maps:

    I was craving to have at lower levels a classical grinding map, like croc feud open map, where I can just but level my friend....
  9. Replies

    Actually, I reccomend our fellow druid to equip a...

    Actually, I reccomend our fellow druid to equip a glyph of charmin staff set (if he doesn't care to die a few times) or the equivalent wand/bracer set. Since the difference of armour is low between...
  10. Replies

    Grinding maps

    Hello there folks,

    after a long time of retirement from suggestions, here I am. In these days I am grinding a new guild member and I found something is lacking.
    I was craving to have at lower...
  11. I have to say that I'm loosing interest in PL....

    I have to say that I'm loosing interest in PL. This is because there are no new game mechanics. Recently I am moving to a PC MMORPG, not for the graphics, but mainly for the lack of things to do...
  12. Replies

    Well done! Proceed...

    Well done! Proceed...
  13. The second entry have been fulfilled. The journey...

    The second entry have been fulfilled. The journey into the dark lands of Fnord continues.
  14. As for now I want to stick to one entry per group...

    As for now I want to stick to one entry per group member. I want to experiment the diary narration. Since I don't have the full story in my head but glimpses of the main story arcs, the story just...
  15. Here is the entry of Scar, armour crafter of...

    Here is the entry of Scar, armour crafter of Frosty Hollows.

    We were venturing in these wastes, without knowing where exactly we were supposed to go; we didn't know actually how to come back...
  16. Here is the entry of Av'ial, blademaster of...

    Here is the entry of Av'ial, blademaster of Oasis.

    "I was there..." it was echoing in air, as soon as we step foot beyond the portal.
    His whispers were crossing our minds. Cutting our defences....
  17. Chronicles of Fnord - the Black temple in the wastes

    Here is the entry of Erif, priest at the services of the Queen of the elves.

    The increasing threat of skeleton cult, in light of the recent incident, have force the Queen to form a group of...
  18. Thread: Allience

    by nazgulking

    Phoenix forgot to say that both him and me are...

    Phoenix forgot to say that both him and me are recruiters. Find us ingame, if you see fit in our guild. :)

    If you want to apply please do so by writing down:

    - IGN
    - Division you want to apply...
  19. Replies

    You have two options: Fortified Set: First you...

    You have two options:

    Fortified Set: First you need to collect the Fury fighter pieces (Plate, helmet, sword and shield) and then craft it. Downside: Pricey.

    Hybrid Set: Not actually a set, in...
  20. Chronicles of Fnord - Prologue - Origins of Evil

    Fnord is a dark place which is the new home to the Skeleton cult.
    To fully understand the great threat that Alterra was about to witness here is the summary of the notes taken after the...
  21. Replies

    The story of Alterra and its people

    Alterra is a beautiful place which is home to the Ursan race.

    The Ursan are bear-like humanoid creatures the have set their home in the snowy peaks of Frost Hollow. They have devoted themselves...
  22. Replies

    Sticky: The ultimate guide. Every new player should look...

    The ultimate guide. Every new player should look at this before even entering the training course in PL! I think next guide to be made should be "How to be a good, leacheaous, powerleveled noob"...
Results 1 to 22 of 23