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  1. Replies

    Com Arbiter Back Bug

    I Recenlty Capped and What I've Seen on the Com Back is that the 2 botton Wings are Bugged, All the wings have a blue Thing on them and on the botton Right one it has no Blue Thing, And if you look...
  2. Just Farm Numa with a good Group and your all...

    Just Farm Numa with a good Group and your all set, it's less hard and not that many snipers (Except for the end) There or any insta deaths
  3. Replies

    Hair Suggestion

    Ok so i was walking around in B* with my eng then i went into the hair/face booth and changed my outfit from green to purple and thought "Why Can't we Keep The Hair/Face In Our Inventory or everytime...
  4. Replies

    Uhh let's see Sl is a si-fi Game that's in space!...

    Uhh let's see Sl is a si-fi Game that's in space! and wat does space have? Stars! and wat do stars do? They twinkle! So Twink does have something to do with This space themed mmo get over it dude its...
Results 1 to 4 of 4