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  1. Replies

    Uhh they could easily make advertisements to the...

    Uhh they could easily make advertisements to the game online yt ads twiiter ads facebook ads uh ig ads to get people to play like not hard i seen garbage games make ads on tiktok hahha so its def not...
  2. Replies

    Bump Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Replies

    quest yuti bug??

    quest yuti bug??
  4. Isn’t critical damage is useless if you have low...

    Isn’t critical damage is useless if you have low crit rate .
    Generally with zaar saber set we have crit rate of 30-40% which is very low for constant crit damage .
    Imo h garlic hb and sabra aa...
  5. if u want to clean mobs quick use in hb h garlic...

    if u want to clean mobs quick use in hb h garlic or h sabra, this last one is better for speed u can rush and clean quick with aa h pere u can destroy quickly and faster bcz give u haste and speed,...
  6. At hb Heroic Garlic-haste/ frostbitten hb for...

    At hb Heroic Garlic-haste/ frostbitten hb for bosses/ at arcane ability you can use arcanite werewiger for bosses classic aa, or heroic venim aa to pull mobs for 2sec very good and classic one
  7. Replies

    Your insidious and Zodias set im interested in,...

    Your insidious and Zodias set im interested in, willijg to pay good get back to me via mail or msg
    IgN-> Scxrlett

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Results 1 to 7 of 7