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  1. Engi: Decay Com: Backbreaker Op: it's...

    Engi: Decay

    Com: Backbreaker

    Op: it's close for 3 skills
    Mind wrack 15-25 dmg
    Neural shock 12-26
    Sympathetic anguish 10-25

    You can also argue that it is flames of insanity because it...
  2. Unofficial List of Improvements for Engineer PvP

    Dear Community,

    With a scattered list of complaints on engineer pvp throughout the forum I thought it was time to make a clear list with community support on what exact improvements can be made to...
  3. Replies

    I will separate these into classes to make it...

    I will separate these into classes to make it easier for anyone who wants to fight them, so you can pm them and ask something like "oh let me fight your op/com" etc.

    This will also include twinks...
Results 1 to 3 of 3