
Type: Posts; User: OutlawHD

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  1. Replies

    Sunny has a good point here. Shes the only one...

    Sunny has a good point here. Shes the only one with it and she will never sell so that eliminates the opportunity for anyone else to have a full set, or to ever black market it.

    I'd love to see...
  2. Sticky: So just discount the effort of the players who...

    So just discount the effort of the players who bought/saved these kits for months awaiting the next cap? Yeah that works! The point is the choice to use them to cap. I dont have a lot of time to...
  3. Sticky: To be denied the choice to use a certain item I...

    To be denied the choice to use a certain item I paid gold/plat/saved from previous events is my problem. They should be able to be used now that fast cap is over. If I want to grind cap one toon then...
Results 1 to 3 of 4