Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
If the mobs are 'leashing,' the Auto Attack will not fully re-engage until the mob has returned home and is ready to fight again. If the mob is attacking your friend - Auto Attack should move you into proper range, etc. (unless something is not working properly, obviously ) - Cinco
I would personally love to see some kind of user feedback displayed when mobs are leashing. Palette shift, some kind of particle effect, whatever. It took me awhile to figure out what was happening and can still be pretty frustrating. I see a lot of fellow players chasing after them while active mobs are kicking the crap out of us.

As an aside, I work with Hal, he says "hi." He caught me playing PL in my office today...I've been very skeptical of MMOs on the iPhone (Watchmen left a particularly bad taste in my mouth) but you actually pulled it off. Congrats!