
I am a returning player after 2 years. Of course I would expect huge changes during that time. Could someone mind filling me in on the most major changes (Aside from the new classes which I obviously noticed).

My main character before I left and worked the most on was a Ranged DPS Dex Bear (For the Armor steroids, the Beckon Stomp combo and some other things I wanted to do at the time). Not sure if such a strategy would still work effectively or not. If going Ranged DPS outside of a Archer class is viable now, what class would it be now? Or should I completely scrap it and just completely respec and rework him entirely?

And secondly, what class would you say now is the best to go into a Bruiser/Brawler (Tanky with fair amount DPS) type of build (My playstyle for these types of games has changed pretty drastically over the years).