Everyone who is saying DPS over DMG has forgotten that most of the high dmg daggers are AOE (Area of Effect) daggers. They strike 3 targets with 1 autoattack swing.

Thus - in reality, the DPS you're doing is tripled if you're hitting three targets at one time. Sure - for single target DPS>DMG... for MOB Clearing in elite? Give me Teeth all day long...

Effectively DPS over the long term for high DMG daggers is about 1.5 or 2.0 times what the 'stat' indicates... do some math and come back and talk to me.

Don't believe me - go buy yourself some lv 31 incandenscant blades and some lv 31 mountain teeth and tell me what you think afterwards... There's a reason the Mountains teeth have a higher demand than the incandescant blades.