Hey guys,

I just started playing AL this week and I went with rogue (duh). Anyways, I have been looking into old rogue guides to guide me through but I still have some specific questions that I might have overlooked. I hope someone can answer them.

1. For pve leveling which is more efficient to use, dagger or bow? Or is it up to your skill build?

2. Are there no bow drops in-game or are they just really rare?

3. I have been collecting plats from free offers and and am eyeing on the nord chest but I'm afraid I might be wasting the weapons and armors since I'm still lvl 15 but on the other hand the money and potions will really help me. Would you advice I get it now anyways?

4. I read there are aoe pets for rogue. What are they?

Answers are very much appreciated!