Cmon pics.. Post pics

This my kdr toon. I mostly join L 3 games so i verse all L 2-4. Yes I kill all noobs even ones that don't know how to leave the map and yes I lmao on double deaths. Yes u can call me any name in history and ill just smile.

Every L4 twink I've meet so far (maybe a dozen the last month or so) can not kill this toon. Best gear in game + most op pet in game at this L is wat make this toon so op, and yea i join guildies and kill hundred of L5&6's all day wit no worries. Yes I've killed at least 2000 noobs and u know what idc its fun as hell when your a beast & stay 100.
Haters going hate & flamers going flame and i don't mind this is all pixels. My real life avatar is a lot better than this one (;

Anyway here my (best kdr toon in history of AL)

Btw try copy my build, find u a dws, get u some teammates that work together an u just might put a death on one of those zeros (;

Peace all love pvp no matter how u play.

Let me know i if u want to see my L10 war