A few tips to warriors who are reading this thread:

1) the build originally posted is great for basic elites. However, it is arguably suicide to not have juggernaut in shuyal.

2) taunt is the purpose of a pro tank. Once you have mastered surviving in battle (mostly skill combos and pot spamming) you will want to adapt mass taunt. To keep the party alive (ya king is absorbing most of the damage, not just surviving).

3) there are some skills that just don't pan out well in elite. Rally cry, and axe throw are two of these (axe throw can be used effectively but is ussually switched out with skyward strike or windmill at the boss. Axe throw is NOT for fighting mobs).

4) don't think you can only have four skills. I am currently using 5 and am estatic with the results. My skills are: heal, jugg, blood, windmill, and skyward strike.
* how to use this build: you will use different mappings of your skills.
Map A (used as your go to build in everyday maps. Not elite, it is also your best map for bosses on this build): heal, blood, windmill, and skyward strike.
Map B (used for tanking elite mobs. Especially shuyal): heal, blood, jugg, and windmill.
Map C (used for PvP. Only exists as a consequence of need maps A and B. Note: I use map B when I'm being ganged in PvP, and map A when I want pure damage): heal, blood, jugg, and skyward strike.

I am not giving the upgrades for the skills listed because that is dictated by one's gear. I am personally high taunt, but also max damage.