Hello ^^ it's Temarichan from Arcane Legends. I'm testing out each Spacetime game, perhaps I can Maybe become addicted to another one?? I'm trying out Star Legends. The truth of the matter is, I'm not a full out noob in the game..... Like, Ive tried it before like a year ago up to... Lvl 20 or 25 ish. I don't remember though. I played as a guest. :P I had no knowledge of...emails at the time. (stupid huh?) but anyways, I'm back into the game again. It's pretty addicting. Makes want to level a liiiitttle bit more (which streches out to like 2 hours). But I'd appreciate some tips and advice as well. I'm currently a lvl 12 Commando (Started playing today) In the Guardians of Light guild. You can add me: Temarichan

Anything...that'll keep me in the right track. Sometimes in AL, I think back and ask myself in the noob days "why did I Do that....? I should've done...this, this and this".

Hehe TY! ^^/ See you in-game SL & AL