With the help I have received from you Lilbless things have started to turn around already, I am enjoying myself playing as a Rogue, on another note though I changed my skill tree as you had explained in your PM to me but I was short of 1 skill point so instead of putting 3 points into the passive ability I only placed 2 into it. Did I do something wrong or did you make a mistake with how many points are actually available ? Hope to hear from you soon & once again, thank you...

P.S : I haven't had this much fun in ages, my question though is 'do you have the Warmonger title ? '. The reason I ask is because I ran into a rogue called 'Blockstop' & they had the Warmonger title, they played the rogue class very well. My goal with my 2 level 21 twinkz are to one day achieve that title for both "Warmongerz" & "Deadlybooty", what a goal it is.