Last night I hosted a blackstar race and the winners received gold,pinks or vanities
Tonight I will host another event and anyone in the blackstar can compete,yesterday all of blackstar competed funniest thing ever is seeing a whole flock of friends compete with nothing on lmao
But anyways I was thinkin of hosting maybe a ctf freezetag and the rules are simple if u die u stay down and the last one standing wins!
But I need your help deciding if it should be any class or same class vs each other I was thinkin all commandoes so it would be a long battle were everyone stood a fighting chance to win!
But anywho leave ur thoughts and ideas on a contest or game that you would think would be fun for everyone to play and please explain your game and rules and remember this is not only a phoenix event anyone can participate!

And also be looking for phoenix party he will be hosting events too for prizes this is to bring suma the fun back so be sure to be on the lookout in blackstars tonight!