I'll tell you why! Everyone knows the OP Forgotten bow, or the OP swift set. Lets take it back to sewer's cap. The custom was OP next was Demonic int was op, then Crafted lilith, I don't know about 71 cap wasn't here for it, and now the swift set.

Everyone knows the forgotten bows and thier Op'ness.

Well I'll tell you why they keep introducing these new items. Purely cause of buisness!

Imagine this, a balanced set player A vs balanced set player B, now there's one diffrence, let's say Player A is more skilled, and Player B is a newbie. We all know who'd win right? These balanced sets only help the skilled, and StS would be neglecting the vase newbie players that play this game, therefore neglecting thier business.Thus introducing OP weapons and set's so that Newbies like Player B has a fighting chance. So that players like Player B can do well in the game. Now the switching Endgame Op sets are purely for equality so mages don't dominate forever or vise versa.