Hi guys i need your help again.

I saw a Video about a rogue in pvp a few months ago and now i want to watch it again.
The Problem i have now is that i cant remember the name.
I searched over 3h in Forum and on YouTube and still no success.

All i can remember is that the Video started with a 1vs1 of this rogue with a warrior.
The rogue won easily. Then the rogue began a solo trip through pvp crypts and destroyed everything
And everyone.
I think she didnt die once..

In the background was a badass killer rap or some kind of this.

Maybe one of you guys remember this Video or know any video what it could be.
If i remember right someone posted this Video here on forum with a title like "overpowered rogue" or something
with irony "weakest rogue ever"
Unfortunatly i havent found any kind of these titles yet.
I keep searching and well maybe someone can help