First of all, I thought my title was funny at the time... Then again, I've had a LOT of coffee this morning... But I digress... So Here's the deal. I'm a horrible tank (I've been told I'm not but I completely disagree) I feel like the only time my party has great runs are when the maps are a low enough level for them to be able to take hits and not die. Elite Nordr and Shuyal I feel like I'm not holding aggro well enough to keep everyone safe. I've got mythic armor, an amulet of doom, mediocre ring, and I typically use a Dimensional Targe of Savvy (for the extra armor) for tough maps and an entombed hammer of fatality for the easier ones. I don't die often (unless I'm not paying attention to the goo) I just feel like my party is dying too much. I've searched and found a few little tips and tricks for certain maps and some beginner level tanking tips but I haven't found a good comprehensive guide to tanking. (I could've missed it) I can think of several warriors that are frequent posters on the forums that usually seem to be willing to pass on their knowledge to others. So if you're a successful tank, I know I'm not the only one that would love to hear your tips, tricks, and insights. Feel free to share builds, equipment requirements, map-specific strategies, or anything you feel might be pertinent. I don't really feel like having a great tank is all that necessary for normal maps other than shuyal bosses so I'm mostly looking for tips as an elite tank. Thanks to anyone who contributes to this thread.