Quote Originally Posted by Lesrider View Post
Sorry, but I never signed up to be a lab rat.
Yes, yes you did. The moment you downloaded the game, you did.

From the STS homepage:
"In six months we had our first iteration ready to launch." Bolding added. A "first iteration" tells you it's not a finished product.

From the App Store game description:
"Regular content updates" the game isn't set in stone. Changes will be made.

Numerous times on this forum, the devs have stated that the game's a work in progress. So no, you really can't claim to have not "signed up to be a lab rat".

So some of the changes aren't to your liking. Not all of them are to my liking, but that's life. If they're deal-breakers, you leave. If not, you deal and move on. I leveled my Mage to 50 in spite of crap armor and constantly getting one-shot. When it got too annoying, I mothballed her and worked on my bear and then my bird. And, as you requested, I currently own exactly three pieces of special gear--a Plasma Axe of the Rift, a Sunblessed Bow of the Void and a Laser Wand of the Cosmos. All were drops and I defy you to find a single post of mine stating that armor/shield/weapon specs be changed to suit me. My only complaint, in the days of one-shot mages, was to either give us better armor or a longer-lasting mana shield.