Well we have (L36)

Arctic Guard of Will
Current Price 35-40k
Ability : Proc Ice Armour
Noticed that it triggers fairly often, the effect being that your toons limbs are suddenly encased in ice. The 'damage reduction' icon appears;
Procs approximately 5% (1 in 20 swings)
I didnt do EXTENSIVE testing, but a goblin shooting arrows at me was dealing 105-115 dmg, and after proc, the range dropped to 98-105, so it looks like a 5-7% reduction for about 10 seconds

Frozen Heart Sword of Potency
Current Price 20-30k
Ability : Proc reduce enemy hit -25%, Proc Freeze
Dont have this yet ; any brah's out there have some input ?

- side note : when equipped, DMG = DPS