I would far rather have the additional damage from Shadow Veil than have a skill with an excessive cooldown time like razor, which actually steals the aggro from your warrior, making you need the dodge buff it gives. Shadow veil allows your tank to do his job, while you dish out your boosted damage. If you are running without a tank, then the 20% armour buff will help keep your team alive.

I agree with Zeus in that there are times when charging nox is appropriate. It doesn't slow down your aimed stack, and the benefits it gives outweigh the short delay from charging. Use pierce instead? You hit one target - hard - but the cost is that your other skills are forced into cooldown, so you have a delay before you can continue hitting. I adore pierce - it is great for sniping and kill shots, but when faced with a large dogpile of mobs, it is not the appropriate choice.

Builds and strategies for timed leaderboard runs are designed on the assumption you are running with the most highly skilled and geared players in the game. Things that work best with these exclusive leaderboard players are not always realistic for a legendary geared player who doesn't have seasons of experience and a pro team. You need to account for the fact that most of the people you run with will NOT have read the guide, will not have optimal builds, and will not consider party ability before pulling the ENTIRE map of mobs to one place and causing mass hysteria.

This is an excellent guide for 95% of players to run elite. The other 5% - you don't need a guide to know what to do (although sometimes being a bit more open minded to different techniques might actually make for better results )