aedenos is right. we see this every season. After a certain point people either stop playing because everything is stale or everyone gets the equips they need. The demand for farmable items then drops. This is why I usually spend the first part of the season farming then start pvping or stop playing once prices drop.

The main thing that concerns me is we haven't heard anything at all about new maps/level cap. I've asked 3 devs (justg, h2n, and samhayne) and not one of them will give a simple "yes" answer when asked if we'll see any more new levels. The closest thing we could get was g said "we will continue to support AL and no new legend titles are on the horizon". Supporting and updating are two completely different things. Personally, I don't think we will see any new maps or levels in AL so I doubt we have anything new to farm for quit a while.

P.S. I have the feeling we will continue to get events and special maps like the winter maps but I doubt we get new permanent maps and level caps. New items may be introduced but they'll be in our beloved crates.