Hi! Its fine your post is still understandable.

From what I've noticed with the latest rebalance, Int is the way to go for mages. (At least end game, level 50).

Dex used to be able to add more crit, dodge, base/skill damage for mages. But now with the rebalance, dex barely does anything for us.

Also, with the higher health pool we all have, higher int would mean a higher heal which would make us more useful.

I'd definitely suggest pure int for a mage, because even with pure int at level 50, assuming you have level 50 gear, you still get over 100% hit.

And that mage you saw with str instead of dex/int is called a Pally (paladin). Its a mage but build around str to be able to use the str armors for higher HP, armour, and defense. They act more like tanks than damage dealers.