You can never make everyone happy. The fact that you guys are trying to me is a testament in itself as to how much you care about us. I have played games where I didn't know a dev/mod name, never seen them or anything. Here you guys are very active in forums and paying attention to us, answering our questions, etc. Here's my concern however, from what I'm seeing only minimal things in Pocket Legends will be done to improve gameplay, and double xp etc. There really is no incentive in this to keep old players around. What I'm seeing is that you guys are trying to make the best profit possible as you should. You are a company. Well from playing AL, to me Pocket Legends is better gameplay, but AL has a bigger emphasis on buying plat to get ahead (opening crates). My only question is have you guys tried implementing anything in PL that could draw players in and at the same time increase a desire to buy plat? Because I do buy plat in PL but not as much as I probably would in AL because I can't any of the things I buy 2.use them for anything but elixirs 3.the gold-plat exchange is horrible imo.
I believe that maybe one more expansion to PL or at least added content would be great IF there was more incentive to buy plat placed on the expansion. I don't think that it should be completely plat based but if we're talking about money, make it so that it has a fighting chance to remain a game that old timers will enjoy playing because that's where most of the money is coming from.