First of all, I'd like to ask why the decision to nerf root/freezing on bosses. I'm curious as to the thought process that went behind such a decision. Maybe I am missing something here and I am just being closed minded etc. If I knew the logic behind it, maybe I can understand and empathise with it.

Secondly, I'd like to point out WHY nerfing thorn root / freezing is a bad illogical and unfair idea.

These two skills are kitting skills. They keep the opponent in place whilst you stay afar and do damage. Now, most monsters are not worth kitting, the only real opponent you need to kite are bosses.

But wait! Now Bosses are now immune to these two kitting skills. Wow, so um. whats the point of root then? Mages still will use freezing spells because it combos with their spells but archers have no combo with root spells. So what is the point of root for archers?

I can understand nerfing freeze, because of ice weapons. esp auto xbows. This gives the possibility of perma-freezing a boss. But to nerf a skill because of a weapon is not really fair to a class, is it? And root? god knows why it was nerfed.

Now, as illogical as it sounds, warriors are the best kiters with their stomp. The huge knock back and chance to stun, along with low cool down means you can potentially keep a boss at a distance with out him ever touching you. illogical, because warriors are meant to be melee classes. Having a skill which sends your target flying half way across the map and you need to chase after him, is weird.