Let me start this by saying I think Pocket Legends is an incredible game. I have nothing but complete respect for Spacetime and the developers. I am blown away with what they have been able to achieve in the hand-held realm, it is inspiring!

This is in no means intended to be a whine/complaint post, more a simple observation.

I have been playing Pocket Legends from the first month of release, and have thoroughly enjoyed watching it develop and expand. I have now however, come to a point where I have some key changes/features I really think need to be changed/added to keep me interested. Currently the game is suited perfectly for the simple pick-up and play for 20 minutes style, which I'm sure a lot of people love. Me, on the other hand want more. More depth, more variety, more challenges. Without these I am finding the game becoming tedious and boring.

Without further ado I post my list:

1. Complete rehash of the skill/attribute system. Skill tress, more attributes, enhanced skills.

2. Different PVE game types. Ability to play a full set of maps through from the first to last with totally different drop and reward mechanics. Guaranteed drops from certain bosses. Increased restrictions on party changes. Group loot with splitting at the end.

3. Enhanced conversations. Addition of channels; friends, all, map.

4. Male and female version of the three current playable races.

5. Complete rehash of the quest system. Quests that give xp. Quests that can be redone (farmed). Quests that require the giving of certain items to receive others. I am in the process of finishing my Quest overhaul document so refer to that to see the whole idea.

6. Elite and general versions of each map set. Elite versions where there are disabled potions, increased enemy strength and increased drop rates.

7. Rehash the drop system. Allow users to select either random drop or Boss Kill Point (BKP) system. With points system enabled, if T'Paxx has a drop rate of 2% for Wraith Armour a player would be guaranteed the Armour after killing him 50 times. Add an NPC like the consignment shop people who you can trade BKP's for boss equipment.

8. Guilds.

For those who know me I am about to take a break from the game for 6 weeks or so. I'll check back in mid January to see where the game is at.

I hope you have a great Christmas and New Year and that the game is closer to where I'd like it to be on my return.

Peace Out

Gavry / Bavian