Note: This thread is not a substitute for the Spacetime Studios support team. Any mentioning of any player's name in this thread without their approval is strictly prohibited by Spacetime Studios. You may share a story of a scam to further educate other players, but you MUST censor (not mention) the players' or guilds' names involved.

The purpose of this thread is to educate players about common scams and what to do if they get scammed. Not to report or "warn" other players of a certain player/guild.

If you want more detailed reasons on why you can't mention names here, then read on. Otherwise, you can disregard the rest of this post.

There are a few reasons why you cant mention other players' names in ill-circumstance.

• One reason is when you file a report against a player, you create a case for the STS support team to investigate. They investigate to make sure that your report is completely true, and that the indicated action actually did take place. Anyone can go to the public and falsify information against another person to ruin their reputation. If STS allowed names to be mentioned this way on these forums, people would abuse it and create slander for other innocent people they dont like.

• Information about reports are to be kept confidential. This is to prevent unnecessary drama. Unnecessary drama tends to lead to unclean flaming and can violate the game's ToS.