there is probably already another post about this but i think its worse now than ever.. everybody who knows anything about our auction market knows item prices have been crashing, but i cant help but feel that there could be a way to fix it.. or atleast delay the market from crashing.. I find myself hording gear that ive looted because I dont feel like undercutting someone by 5k, just to be undercut 5 mins later by 15k, therefor crashing the price of yet another good rare!!!.. (or so i feel thats the effect)

Over the last week I've been kind of playing with a couple different items, one being the Scimitar of Rift.. I had a few stacked up and was waiting until they went back up to sell them (hoping they went back up)... well just day before yesterday i saw about 10 or 11 of them, 5 of them being between 135k-160k... I watched all night and all of them got bought up or expired.. there was only 2 of them left on the market at around 7am my time. One for 200k, and one for 225k i believe??... so i figured what the hell, I posted one for 175k, it sold in about 10 mins.. so i put another one up for 180k.. sold in about an hour (being the cheapest on the market at the time since everybody was either sleeping or doing whatever they do)... Im not sure wether i just landed 2 eager people or wether the buyers were just not educated to the flow of things, either way it felt like progress

I have also played with other items trying to do the same... that didnt work so well... one example the OL Rift Helm

anyways besides all the non sense numbers, does anyone believe there is anything we can do to preserve the market (or atleast delay) it from crashing?? or is it just a fail until the new dungeons are released?? any advice or comments invited

50 Bird Oldgveteran / 50 Pally Oldg