Welcome to IAmDivine's Semi-Guide on L30 Mages, which can be also adjusted to L31 Mage. Let me quickly explain the meaning of 'Semi-Guide' to you. Semi-Guides are quick, wordy, and knowledgable quick writes. These posts are meant for you to read quickly, then hopping on your device to make your character! TY and :P I'm not Divinerusher, geez.

Les Starte, Community!
L30 Mages (adjustable to l31 Mages) are quick and fun! They are an extremely seasaw-ish class. (Seasawish here means that L30 Mages can go extremely viable with the right knowledge, but can make you land face first when you have completely no idea you're doing.) Here's a quick build for starters: 6 Buffs (BOV+BOM) 6 Light 6 Heal 2 Drain 1 Icestorm 1 Frostbite 1 Fire. Combo is a fair one if you know TIMING and RANGE!(Buffs>Frost>Drain>Light>Icestorm>Fire>Heal when NEEDED!) Here's a more complicated build! (6 Buffs 6 Light 3 Fire 2 Drain 6 Heal 1 Frost 1 Icestorm). Combo is same as first build! Get Shiv (Talon, Armor, and Wing), Halloween (DEX) helm, Damage + 1 Crit Ring along w/ Crit + Armor for bears! Tahts all you need and learn how to calculate your range and timing when dueling, rushing, or teaming xD!