Hello, I was playing PL and this guy asked me if he could buy my account and I said that it was against the ToS, then he proceeded to tell me that he bought over 50 accounts and that it is safe. I told him that I dident care, he then opened trade, gave me 2 million gold so I clicked confirm and he actually gave it to me but said I had to give him the info... (email and password)I said he can get banned for doing that and he said he is going to report me to STS for scamming( when he approached me first) about buying accounts. I dident give him his gold back because he left after telling me that. This wasn't his main toon as he was doing it on a different profile because he dident want to get his main banned I suppose.( maybe this is a technique to get players to give away info because the scammer wanted to show me that he would pay upfront) I know that I shouldent have taken the gold, but I realized that I was scammed out of a expensive vanity before, and STS couldent do anything about the trade dispute. Also, he seemed to not care too much about giving stuff out, as he said he has a lot of gold. So I reckon the 2 million was just to get me to give him the info which obviously dident work. I wrote his name down but I'm not going to say it here. Once a day went bye i logged on my profile and it said I was banned for violation of their TOS and ban time:forever. But I guess if the ban cannot be lifted then I'll just stop playing STS games then if they won't ban players who buy accounts over players who actually care about progression during a game.
And I sent a message to STS support but I haven't gotten an answer in 2 almost 3 days now, so idk what to do from this point other than deleting all my legends games.