Hello everybody! Thanks for checking out my contest!

I'd like to start off by saying that this contest is going to be a little bit different from most. As a few of you know, I am currently working on a MASSIVE project for Pocket Legends. I've been encountering some difficulties along the way and it very well may be a long time before I'm able to release my project. (6 months if things go as bad as they are now, though I'm hopeful conditions will improve.)

What does this have to do with my contest? Well, for my project I'm going to need some help. This is where you guys come in. The contest is honestly very, very simple once you understand it so listen close.

What I need is a picture from every single playable area in the game which best represents that area. Let me explain further.

Above is a picture of every single playable area of the game. This includes, Forest Haven, Dark Forest, Balefort Castle, etc. (Note that this only includes maps where you can press "enter towne" on. Wyldwood is considered dark forest, frozen nightmare is considered lost expedition, etc.) I need a picture which best represents the entirety of that zone. So you can use any level you want, or the towne itself to take your picture in.

Just try and ask yourself, "What is the first thing I think of when someone says, "X-Towne." Maybe when someone says, "Alien Oasis" the first thing you think of is Gurgox. So take a picture of Gurgox! Your goal is to capture the entirety of a campaign in just one single picture.

Just to reiterate and make perfectly clear, this is what you must be doing laid out in steps:
1. Go to a specific campaign.
2. Find an iconic location, or level which best represents the entirety of that location.
3. Take an awesome looking picture.
4. Submit it to this thread.
5. Wait for me to judge.

I will be choosing a winner for each location! You can only enter one single picture. This means that you'll have to choose the campaign you'd like to grab a screen shot from, and only submit one picture from that one campaign. (You can only submit one picture total.) Hopefully that makes sense!

1. There can be no profanity in your picture!
2. Pvp zones are NOT permitted even if they are a part of a campaign.
3. Only one picture per person! (If you change your mind before the contest ends, feel free to edit your original entry.)
4. The contest will begin as you are reading this and it will end when I am satisfied with the pictures from each zone. (In other words, tentative deadline. Be quick )
5. No editing your picture! It has to be a completely legitimate raw picture from in game.
6. (I'll edit this if more rules need to be written.)

What is the point of this contest? Well, I need an iconic picture from each location for my project. I took some, myself, but I'm just not very good at picture taking. I figured I'd let the creative community put my pictures to shame!

What are the contest rewards? The rewards are:
1. Your picture will be used for my project!
2. I will send you a pm containing a hint to what I am working on. (Don't tell anyone )

Fell free to be as creative as possible! If you wanna dress your character up to match the campaign you're in, that's cool! The only limit is your own imagination. Good luck!