Dear Sir/Madam,

I am not sure how to resume playing AL on my IPAD, it happened ever since the new tendirin area update. The problem is I can play PL, SL, DL, but when I click AL app icon on my IPAD, it displays black screen for a few seconds, no Spacetime studio logo, and jumps back to my IPAD screen everytime. I had tried reset to IPAD factory setting, but everytime I delete AL and wanted to download AL again, it always displays the Cloud logo(I guess it is inside iCloud memory), so it could be that I am always downloading the corrupted app again and again, same black screen, no STS logo and kicks me out.

Is there anything I can do to play it on my IPAD again? Must i wait till it is the next game update time (is the next update gonna be a year's time?) to try download it? I have tried deleting or disable iCloud account but the cloud icon is always there whenever I want to download the AL app.

Help! Thank you and appreciate your reply.