It's a bit intrusive. I know the rules state no cursing, but if it is just me and my buddies in a game together... why does it matter? If no one is being offended, why does PL need to know how clean my chat is? The report button and stars seemed to serve the censorship purpose just fine. What was the thought process behind instituting this new system?
It really gets on my nerves. i don't want my account terminated, but it becomes very difficult to play while constantly thinking about how I need to censor myself in the split seconds I have to type a message. After about 10 minutes in game i had to give up playing because i slipped up and tripped the censor atleast 3 different times.

I can understand this system being in townes, maybe even dungeons that are public, but certainly not my private game.

Obviously, i don't really have a choice in the matter. i don't want to come off demanding. I'm just expressing my own personal feedback on the matter.