Since you are not going to add a new cap to, the almost discontinued, Pocket Legends, I had the idea that you maybe could add a super Elite dungeon and with it a way to get at least the 2 piece ring ( Vailance I think).

BSM is a lot easier than Humania back in it's times, so I thought about putting a lot stronger version of BSM monsters in that dungeon and not only block potions but also disable any elixier while you are in there.
That would have the effect that there isn't only a couple of players with 4x Combo soloing the whole map and the others only run with them.
Also the droprate should be much higher in that dungeon since it's... super Elite.

The endboss could be 2x Koal with higher damage and health so that it is really hard to kill them.
And maybe add some "new" stronger sets which would have the right stats to make the dungeon less hard, and with "new" I mean just recolor them and add new stats... like you always do. :P

And maybe add a quest, like killing SUPER MEGA ELITE Koal 100 times to get an Elite ring ?

just some ideas...
nu h8 plz, o mi crai