Hello fellow pocket legend pvpers! I have some very exciting news. The guild <Cartel> Is coming back out of retirement! Cartel is one of the oldest 35-45 pvp guilds. It's are mission to keep pvp safe. If you haven't noticed 35-45 pvp is getting very dry. Not nearly as many players play now than say a year ago. That's because xclusiv and other guilds like Brasil have been trying to ruin it. All in the attempts of making people go to 56-61 pvp. And tbh it's kinda working until now. If you think you are 1: Active enough 2: have enough skill 3: we'll mannered and behaved and 4: want to fight for a noble reason. Than message kozmozis : sqs : xannax : vvowsers and we will set up a try out for you. Note: this guild is not for everyone. And if we don't get back to you right away be patient we have a lot of people to try out. Thanks for your time! Leaders of <Cartel>