Im curious as to what keep you all playing. Ive been wanting to get back into al but im finding it hard due to how hard gear obtain. Basically unless you merch, have alot of time, or save and sell alot of crates you hardly come across money. Running the new maps even proves difficult as is so i cant imagine elites unless youre able to gear up from this seasons elite pinks which requires the first problem im having. I got friends that would like me to come back and i dont mind sticking around to chat but typing is not my thing. So all this wraps up into me asking this question of how you all stick around. What kept me playing pl for so long and even occasionally now is farming is a option. The thrill of actually seeing a pink drop within a hour even if its not to you is nice but here in al..... Also to top it all off we lost one of the best devs, delphina. Maybe i just need get back into the flow, respec a bit, and see whats actually around to farm that sells so i can gear up (actually im still 36 so that may explain why the new maps are harsh)