Quote Originally Posted by Madnex View Post
Nice comparison thread.

I won't be going for this new mythic either and not just to save gold but because --like I mentioned in the arcane ring nab's thread-- the statistics progress per level has slowed down significally. The extra armor is nice and all yet also unneeded; full magma of will and pavise work wonders already and the occassions you can get oneshot are so few that it's not worth buying the new mythic to have a chance in sustaining them too (all red zones you can avoid anyway).

PvP wise, the damage buffed claymores will still be a better option because the stackable flame special procedure with the STR buff is still both frequent and noticeably effective.
I plan in buying the weapon wince I don't yet own a pavise (was too poor when it was released) and I sold my glaive. It will be a lower cost weapon (should be under 10mil, easily) and I will enjoy it in elite. I don't plan to PvP, so this weapon will likely become a secondary weapon in following seasons as the pavise has.