I get that there are all levels playing in this game, but the other day I was fighting some boss (the Christmas campaign...the Toy Man I guess) and there were some other players in the 14 - 20 level range...we were getting our butts kicked and as a mage I was trying very hard to fight but also keep everyone alive. Unfortunately I got killed and I was the only person capable of resurrect so I respawned and attempted to get back to the fight as quickly as possible. I no sooner got back in the room when the remaining 3 or 4 players "dropped out" and the conversation ended with "****ing noobies".

I feel like I was playing the game to the best of my ability...I'm not thin skinned but this actually kind of "hurt my feelings". I mean, it's just a game, but I was trying to do everything right.

So moving on...then yesterday I'm in another dungeon and it's just me and one other person. We are doing a darn good job of kicking butt. While going through the dungeon I heard what I thought was my garage door being shut (the door leading into the house). My husband was gone to his parents and I don't have any kids living at home. I had a little panic attack and jumped up to see what was going on. It turned out to be nothing but meanwhile I got back and I was dead. And had a message from the person I was in the dungeon with saying, "****u". Gee, wonder what the four stars represented.

I'm not trying to tick players off...but sometimes you just have to stop playing without notice or sometimes you even get dumped off without notice.

1) Is there some way to pause the game that I haven't figured out yet?

2) Rather than cursing at us newbies, how about maybe sending a HELPFUL message such as what it is you expect of us in a boss fight.

For the most part I'm very content to let someone else lead and I'll follow no questions asked, and I'll jump into the middle of the fray keeping an eye out for anyone inadvertently dying or getting close to it and doing my best to keep them alive.

But what gives? I don't think I'm playing "rudely" yet twice I was personally "attacked" in the game. It kind of makes you not want to play.

And completely off that topic, when I look at another player how come I can't see what the weapon they have is capable of? I'm actually holding a couple of weapons that from my limited knowledge of stats for mage, appear to be a good find for a bear. I'm happy to offer up in trade or even give it to someone but I really don't know how to go about doing this. Someone tried to trade with me and I couldn't figure out how to see what it was they wanted. Or how they knew what I have.

Yes, I'm a newbie, despite being level 23 at this point. But I'm not trying to play the game to tick anyone off.

Oh, and PS...newbie mages....please use your resurrect spell when you notice someone laying there dead. I did have another mage just leave me behind. She did eventually come back and then told me she didn't have resurrect. But being she was a level 17 or something like that...I don't understand why she wouldn't have resurrect available. Resurrect is just as important as heal, IMO. I tried to tell her that.

See, THAT is helpful...but had I responded like the other 2 examples here, I'd have really told her "**** u mage!".

Thanks for listening.
