Hello! Having some thoughts about this game, as in, whether to keep playing as I currently am (here and there), whether to stop completely, or whether or not to play it a bunch more like a serious MMO. Figured the best way to decide what to do was to ask the people who are at endgame and know what it's like.

So, here's my list of questions, I would greatly appreciate any responses you guys could give me.

  1. You're at level 50, you run AO3 stuff until you max out your gear. Then what do you do? Level up alts? PvP? Twink out your lowbies? Run dungeons again and again?
  2. Is there any change at the higher level content? Here in the lower level content, you don't need a full group, and you don't need a tank or a healer, as long as you have 2-3 guys you'll be fine. Does the difficulty ramp up appropriately?
  3. I know guilds exist, but are there organised runs of dungeons, eg, speed clears for loot and such? Or do you get in a good group the old-school way, by adding every good player you find to your friends list and joining with them?
  4. A lot of people seem to be sitting around bored, waiting for more content. Obviously you're not over the game if you're posting on the forums, but if you are burnt out waiting for more, do you still play at all? And if so, what do you do?
  5. Is there any need to spend Platinum on anything except the content expansions to function appropriately at max level?
  6. Random question, how much money have you spent on PL so far?
  7. What in Pocket Legends do you find fun? Why do you keep playing it?
  8. What was your most memorable moment in PL, and why?
  9. I'm a bear. A tanking bear. If I got bored of this role, could I hybrid out and still do fine in groups at 50? As a berserker (2h bear) or a bowbear or something?
  10. And lastly, because I don't really have a question and yet I think 10 would be a good number, what iThing or Android phone do you play PL on?

Sorry that this list is kinda long, hopefully I get a few responses :-)