Hi everyone..

So, I read that rogues have 10% debuff when they enter arena. And ok, if we are so OP. So not only i have -10% dmg, my arcane pet( which supposed to add 10% dmg) is ummm idk, not serving his purpose. As one player said, rogues debuff removes all buffs. So are you tellin me i wasted 7 mill on a pet which is worse than a legendary?! And this is a problem, cuz im not a platinum player, i farm elites and i farmed hard for him!!

Another thing, in town and tdm my damage is same. But in ctf it goes waaay lower, to 110. Why? Whats the difference between tdm and ctf?
And really, tanks with 5% more dmg in ctf? So that big guy with around 140 dmg( talking about lvl 15 twink) , gets more dmg in ctf, plus his buffs- thats up to 190 dmg, add gyrm. And then imagine me, with half of his hp, dmg 110 in ctf trying to fight him. And sad part, with arcane pet that lowers my dmg even more. Sooo are rogues still OP? Nahh