I was in one group w/ 3 birds, a pally and a mage. It's key the mages use shield and rev immediately. The birds took her down pretty quickly. I died on the last hit :P

Birdie can survive un-elixired, but you gotta have no lag and pound those hp pots like a son-of-a...

I was also in a group later with 3 bears, a mage and birdie. Bears work gerat here. Again, not much of a problem, though witch can definitely down a bear or more if you let her. Scared bears who hang back do not work. Mages who don't rev immediately do not work, so shield up and run away if you have to.

Don't run past the end of the corridor. Witch-poo resets. Grrrr

Love her. Love her. Love her. So leave the witch alone! Maybe she needs a kill count though...

I thought it was cool she was in the middle and has the shields.