Quote Originally Posted by Carcinogen View Post
ahem...why the heck would they add something new right after an event? according to my experiences in sl, there hasnt been any moment like that whatsoever. as for the level cap, its good to be a bit patient, cuz hey, im sure sts knows that there are so much players who are playing for hours trying to reach the cap. And when a new cap is added? well most of them will QUIT, after going so far, spending so much time at the game! it sets a bad motive for sts. ppl at the cap may be happy, but if ur actually considerate of other players, you might feel the same thing as i do.
They add something new right after an event for arcane legends all the time, ahem. And don't give us that patient bullcrap, we've been waiting for new arbiter for over a year now, and don't even bring up being considerate... Not updating a games cap like that in a long time is not being "considerate of others." Posting about how the game isent being maintained properly isent "setting a bad motive", you must be new to playin games/using the forums if you think otherwise.