Well as many of you may have noticed the prices are extremely high , think about shady and surge and the arcane ring , 110-120m gold , i really doubt that the prices are supposed to be like this , otherwise why cant we trade an amount of gold which is more than 99.999.999 , i have been trying to figure out why is this happening , and please dont tell me " supply and demand " , anyone can ask 99m for anything but the problem is in those who buy for these prices , if you want to be maxed out gear with the best 2 pets ( Shady and Surge , Samael ) this is what you will pay :

1- weapon = 20-25m

2- mythic armor and helm = lets say 2.5m for all classes

3- Arcane ring = 115-120 m

4- mythic amulet = 300-500k

5- pets = S@S 120m , samael 25m

And guess what you have to pay around 285m to have these items and pets , and i didn't mention the other pets you might need ( Arcane , mythic , Legendary ) , and if you want a good vanity you have to drop another couple of millions too .

so what do you think ?