Okay the thing I find ridiculous is that fully geared rouges and mages (full mythic) are being killed by a single pool. Tanks are being killed by 2 pools (possibly one). Please test this before arguing because I have already tested this. When the pools stack I am dead in 2-3 seconds and tanks don't last much longer. While I am okay with SnS being this op because it is a uber-exclusive pet, I really think there should be a limit to the number of pools that can stack. Sometimes, if the pools stack enough, you have not have enough time to even run out of the pool (factoring in AoE damage). I'm not even gonna bother bringing up the health pools.
Another thing I would like to bring up is the passive ability, more specifically the rapid bleed. Samael no longer has the best PA. The armour and crit loss is enough and a 100% chance to rapid bleed just makes it even more ridiculous.
Finally, whenever there is a new release (or in this case buff), there are always complaints about it being too hard or OP. I remember vowing to never run elite summit again after I took over an hour on my first attempt. What I am trying to say is that people get used to it and adapt accordingly. Give it a few weeks or even a month but I am sure that tactics will be developed to deal with SnS. I'm sure someone will post a thread complaining about the newly buffed bulwark soon.