Class Balance is needed because mages shudnt have to spend 20m on a weapon to beat a warrior wid a normal claymore and a rogue wid an expedition bow..

Suggestions for mage class are:

*SHIELD (The only hope for mages)
- Replace the displacement wave wid an armor buff 25-30%
- Decrease the cooldown period
- Duration of the shield can be increased by 5 seconds instead of 2 seconds

(Out of the ones listed above 2 out of 3 Should be Implemented )

*Mythic gun (41) root chances can be implemented to 25% on normal attack and 40% on charged attack

*The expedition rifle lightning proc can be made to decrease hp of opponent by 20%
In the legendary category this is the only weapon for mages tht is widely used in PvP and this buff can help mages wid a low budget a great opportunity

*Heal skill can be made to have 50% chance of giving armor buff to the mage of 10%

Implementing these suggestions WILL NOT make mages better than rogues and warriors in PvP but will give us blue smurfs a fighting chance