Quote Originally Posted by Zylx View Post
Let's face it. The new Quick Chat system is a giant accident waiting to happen. I understand STS's purpose behind it, but its execution is majorly flawed. I have PM'd people "/g lol" messages, GC'd "/r lol" messages, and its a very tedious adjustment in the fact that it takes over the normal chat box.

An alternative to this would be to insert icons throughout the HUD that, when clicked/tapped on, that command would be inserted into your chat. Examples:

I recommened adding buttons to the chat window over a year ago. At the time I seemed to be the only one who thought that the chat was in need of improvement. Adding more buttons to the main screen would be annoying; they should appear up when you open a chat window. The old chat was overly cumbersome, the new system is just plain FUBAR.