I started in guild called Neon Genesis at 26cap till 31 cap. Then I moved to Vengeance and then to Rampage. I was in rampage until I quit.

I always played engineer, started at 36 cap with engineer epic set, shield and Nova Blaster. I did not do well because I didnt dodge anything. I tried to kite ops and comms as well as I could and use my heal for my favour. It was damn hard. Same contiunes to 41 cap where I finally found a Napalm! Engineer nuke build was ready lol I ran around with dm and primed napalm and burned every operative I saw. Same goes on at 46cap and finally I got to 51. I never capped becaue no arbiter and no skillpoint advantage there. Dodge set and regen gauntlets did well against every class but commando fights took 20-30minutes. I got bored and noticed pocket legends is much better game and moved there.
Deleted my engineer with 6000 something pvp kills (3500 ctf kills and 4 flags lol)