Ok.. So I've been on and off in this game, playing when I can and dedicating some time to it.. I've played this game since the first cap I think .. What I would like to say so far is that I see four main large groups that this entire community falls under.. Here they are..

1) PvP Whiners:
- These guys are always complaining that either the tanks or any other class other than their own has become too strong in the PvP Playground and are enraged that they suck against any decent player. They whine that one class has gotten a little more powerful. Or they simply complain whenever they see a bigger no life in their little playground. Guess what folks.. The world of AL doesn't revolve around you..

2) Beggars/Scammers:
- These guys would do anything to get their hands on free gold/vanity/equipment. Even if it means getting banned.. They are so focused on getting their hands on money that they stay in any town, just saying the same things over and over again.. They even force you to trade sometimes.. Guess what folks .. All the time of your short life you're spending begging or trying to give someone "double their money" .. You can at least earn it yourself..

3) The Part Time/Average Player:
- The basic bunch.. Those who barely talk except they if they want to party up for wt4.. Or any basic run with people they don't know.. These players usually take a while to cap, as myself.. They play when they can and don't really bother anyone.. I like these guys.. They make up majority of AL's great community.

4) The "ELITE"/ Hardcore/ No Life:
- The 1% of AL's community that everyone has heard about and are so "Legendary".. The 1%'ers that are all insanely rich and are spending majority of their waking life in the game that thy forget that there is a life outside of Arlor. These folks never repaid to PM's by "randoms" and when they do they are usually rude as hell. They wear their shiny and bright armor and look down at every other player as if they are so much greater.. Guess what? It's a game .. Get over yourself..

This is something that probably has been posted before but I just had to make this post because that's the 4 types of players I usually run into ..

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