I was thinking of all the ideas I had over time to make this a Top of The Charts game or whatever and well let's begin. New Vanity Armors/Costumes... The Star legends community have been asking for this for at least a year now and it's about that time.Christmas is coming and a gift from you would be reviving SL. Sample Vanities: Secondly,I want to touch at new guns or weapons.These old generic weapons are becoming boring and nothing has been added in over a years time.We need improvisations.Sample Weapons: Next Guild Customizations are wanted highly so they need to be implemented.You can't distinguish guild from guild by how they look the title does it all and needs to be changed. Sample Features: New Pets with New Abilities cause everyone needs a helpful companion..Am I Right?Sample Pets: New Base because in this game here we have the least amount of bases I believe and Star Legends is suppost to be the biggest.Sample Base: Leaderboard Updates...Where is the CTF at though? New Features 1.Dye Shop (Change some armor colors) . 2.Multi Team PvP Arena () 3.Training Facility (Entrance in guild hall). (Practice makes Perfect) . That's about it..Encourage StS to take a look and Spread these ideas. Bionicgrandpa
